- I wrote this earlier today in my other blog. It's not well written, but it meant so much that I need to put it here too. Thanks.
As I watched the sun rise this morning, hope was brought back from the deep crevaces of my heart. The birds sang today. For the first time in 3 months. It was sunny. and the warmest its been in a long time. 715am on the bench by the tree, i watched the sparrow sitting on the limb next to me as he preened himself and looked intently at my watchful eyes, taking him and his gift of life in while reminding myself of the hope he was bringing me. I truly believe G-D sent that little bird to me to remind me what it was like to smile. on the inside. he was not afraid of me and flew down to the edge of the bench for a closer meeting. sometimes i would like to think that he sensed within me the goodwill i felt towards him and felt no fear because of how much my inner being cherished his life at that moment. but even if he did not, his presence blessed me beyond what i can describe.
the winter does leave. from the dead trees leaves do bloom. the birds do fly back. the sun does shine again. the clouds do part. the grass can break through the snow. and the concrete. the nights do end, because the sun eventually rises. as did the Son. hope. hope.
say it again.
scream it with me.
praise G-D. im crying for the first time that i can remember in forever. and i think its for joy. and relief. and hope.
peace friends.