I'm at an interesting time in my life. It has been quite awhile since I have felt this useless. I constantly feel like there is something else I could/ should be doing to help my situation, but admittedly, I'm quite helpless at this point. I haven't been able to land a job or even as much as an interview in 2 months of trying. I sit around all day, spending my savings on rent and food (and they won't last much longer) hoping that one of the gajillion places I've applied at will call me and ask me if I'd like to work for them, at which point I will breathe a sigh of relief and respond with an enthusiastic, "Yes! Bless you! Bless you!"
I've watched more movies recently than I ever remember having watched in such a short time span. The same applies to playing pool and reading. I suppose this time hasn't been entirely useless. I've been able to read the entire NT and spend a lot of time developing friendships with the new people here that I've met. I should be writing more music, but I haven't. I've written a few songs. Well, about 6 I guess. But I would like to have written much more, considering I don't have anything else to do and am hoping to write songs for a living.
My sleep schedule is in a terrible predicament. I generally fall asleep around 4am and wake up around 2pm. This needs to change. Hopefully, I am learning something through all of this that is important for later in my life.
I need a girlfriend.