So- the Iraqi Appeals Court upheld the previous court's decicion to have former president Saddam Hussein sentenced to death. He is sentenced to die by hanging within the next 30 days. The United States applauded this result as a clear sign of the progress of freedom and justice in the former state of Iraq... And yet, Human Rights Watch has expressly condemned the proceedings of the entire trial, while both India and the European Union have urged the repealing of the death sentence for a more humane verdict on grounds of the execution's threat to stability and peace.
I never understood why it was we think that killing people solves things. Peace and Justice are obviously brought by condemning and sentencing to death the wrong while rewarding the right.... right? If you are the victor perhaps. The right is always what the winner says is right. The wrong is what the losers get... what they deserve.... right? War crime trials in the essence of Nuremberg are obviously far more advanced and better thought out than the Truth and Reconcilation Committee of the post-apartheid South Africa's attempt at justice...
Whatever happened to compassion and reconciliation and forgiveness and justice and peace and love and hope and joy and empathy and humanity? Ubuntu
I love the Empire's culture. It just makes sense. So do it. Its what feels right*.
Amerika, fuck yeah.

[*right is to be determined and judged by the victor, henceforth America the Strong shall judge right and wrong with an iron fist with the clarity of black and white. Therefore, if what you are doing feels right but is not right*, you and everything about you are wrong. Thank you.]
Ben, Ben, Ben. You've forgotten the part about how, throughout this entire process, the Iraqi Appeals Court and the US have been upholding that old fashion, often forgotten saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I think they used to call that the Golden Rule or something. Anydangway, this is the standard by which they have chosen to execute former Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein. It's kind of like that game that you used to play with your little brother. You know, the one where you would be like, "Okay. Let's play a game where I get to hit you three times and then you hit me three times and we keep going until one of us gives up. I'll go first." You then proceed to hit your brother thrice in the face and finish by saying, "I give up, you win." It's kind of like that, only in this situation the game is, "Okay, Saddam. Let's play a game where we hang you within 30 days and then you get to hang us."
If you ask me, the dude's gettin' what he deserves. After all, he did fly a plane into the twin towers. Waaaait a minute . . .
Meanwhile . . .
The annual budget for NASA in fiscal year 2007 is 17 billion dollars. I heard that they actually get that in 17 one-billion-dollar bills. I've never actually seen a one billion dollar bill, but I've heard rumour that they have George Bush on them. I think he's giving a peace sign with one hand and flippin' the bird with the other. The plan is, at least from what I heard through an illegal wire-tap, that NASA will use this money in the continued search for weapons of mass destruction, (pause) on Mars.
jacob, that comment was some of the most humorous truth ive read in a while. thankyou. it sounds much better if i imagine it in the almost russian/definitely communist voice. okgood... now i want a cider.
saddam was sentenced to death for killing over 200 Shiites. This is horrendous. He killed them because they tried killing him. He's a sunni.
what amazes me is that the trial did not talk about saddam's treatment of the Kurds, his genocidal treatment of the Kurds.
why? Well, that's pretty plain obvious, the US gave him all the chemical weapons to bomb those 4,000 Kurdish villages killing over 150,000, and having over 180,000 missing (a.k.a. dead). So, 330,000 Kurds dead. blood on the hands of America. surprise surprise.
Peder: I really have no idea what I'm talking about and, therefore, have no authority even to express the opinions that I already have. I don't really know if it is better that he is dead now or not. I know what I feel but I'm not sure that I can trust that. Then again, I'm not Kurdish. I don't know what it is like to be ruled by a dictator. And while we're at it, I don't know anything about George Bush either. In my previous comment, I was merely being and ass and trying to poke fun at some things that don't make sense to me.
Enjoy Georgia. I'll read you blog.
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